Critical Incident: FP Concept

This week in Roys class we learned all about critical incidents and how they can be a ground-breaking step towards your goals. This is my first attempt of describing a critical incident.

In this situation me and my group were talking about ideas for our documentary in factual production and I wasn’t quite sure if the idea a guy in my group was describing would be good or if I liked it enough to work on it in a project as I think a person has to be fully in sync with the others, otherwise that person would drag the others down and the final product wouldn’t be as good as it could be. But then after discussing the idea long enough I fully understood the idea and my thoughts were clear plus an idea came to my mind so that we developed the concept in a way that I now am an 100% confident the video will be good. It was like a light-bulb moment in my head, I spoke myself out and through talking with the group the whole concept is now good and solid.

It happened because I was struggling to really like the idea so in that moment I shut up and thought about how I could change it to my liking. After a few minutes It then struck me, and it was a funny moment as you’re just thinking about the topic and it then it strucks without you doing anything active than to think. Funny, weird and intriguing experiences.

I learned that sometimes you must calm down, think and reflect about the whole situation and your mind will be able to follow more easily and come up with ideas. In my case these terms/keywords would fit into scientific research on:

  • Being productive at work through relaxation
  • Inner reflecting
  • Meditation
  • Calm thinking
  • Regrouping of thoughts

This critical incident made me intrigued how sometimes you must regroup your thoughts on the subject your working on to be able to be successful.  All in all, it made me feel very excited and motivated to continue working on the project.

Source of the featured image:


1 thought on “Critical Incident: FP Concept”

  1. A great example of a critical incident and some excellent reflection. I liked that you recognise that sometimes letting the mind be calm is a valuable tool for creativity. Also, the idea that sometimes all we need to do is find something in an idea or a situation that we like and it will motivate us and open us up to other creative ideas. I would have liked to have seen a reference or two with a bibliography all using Harvard SSU as this would have added some critical depth to your reflection.


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