Reflecting on my Major Project

At Solent Uni my main focus in the Media Production course is the major project and in this blogpost, I will describe one of the critical incidents I have had that has helped me to move forward on my journey within this drama project. Did you ever feel stuck in a place for a long… Continue reading Reflecting on my Major Project

Casting Methods

During our project for Solent Mind we had to cast and work with actors which was a very interesting experience and, in this blogpost, I will compare the methods of casting used in the industry to our method. So our casting method in my opinion was ideal for out particular situation. The actors got the… Continue reading Casting Methods

Logic’s Incredible Journey

As Part II of my factual production assessment I decided to do blog post about something I am very passionate and love: music. So today I watched a documentary called “Logic's Incredible Journey” Published on September 1, 2016 on YouTube. It’s about a contemporary rapper called Logic and his accomplishments in the music industry. This… Continue reading Logic’s Incredible Journey