Logic’s Incredible Journey

As Part II of my factual production assessment I decided to do blog post about something I am very passionate and love: music. So today I watched a documentary called “Logic's Incredible Journey” Published on September 1, 2016 on YouTube. It’s about a contemporary rapper called Logic and his accomplishments in the music industry. This… Continue reading Logic’s Incredible Journey

This past week of FP

This week was a very interesting one for me. I focused completely on the Factual Production project and didn’t visit class. Fortunately, I didn’t miss anything important and had more time to invest in the Documentary Project. At the start of the week we had a meeting with our lecturer which opened my eyes. The… Continue reading This past week of FP

The Rise of Acid Attacks in the UK: VICE Reports

The documentary “The Rise of Acid Attacks in the UK: VICE Reports” is about the increasing amount of acid-related attacks in the UK in the last years as the number of assaults have doubled in the last 2 years. The documentary is mainly filmed in east London because there have been many attacks there. In… Continue reading The Rise of Acid Attacks in the UK: VICE Reports